Bright Rainbows
This song is one from which the chorus entered my mind first. I was driving at the time and becoming lost in thought, as I frequently do while on the road. There was no particular reason for me to sing these words, other than that I was feeling inspired and I had to free them from my heart. The lyrics were those on the featured image: “All I know is a ray of hope and bright rainbows are waiting for me down this road.”
From the chorus I started writing the verses, which began to take the theme of being excited to start a family with my husband, knowing our future was very bright. It took quite a while for me to finish writing the song, so that although I chose to be surprised by my baby’s gender on the delivery date, I was able to write a line specifically including the gender toward the end of the song. I have not previously posted this anywhere, so I would like to share it now. Please enjoy!
Bright Rainbows
I couldn’t stop smiling if I wanted to
There is a lot I’m thankful for today
I have a hop, a frolic, a merry attitude
I’d almost forgotten that I could feel this way
I didn’t ask for this to happen
God knows I would’ve done things differently
But if in life He simply gave us a map then
How would we learn to cherish the journey?
[Main Chorus]
All I know is a ray of hope and bright rainbows
Are waiting for me down this road
I’ve found it’s true that timing can be everything
That’s how we knew that we were meant to be
What’s there to do but go forth and let our love take wing?
Just look at our future and tell me what you see
I see a beautiful, vibrant family
So full of love it might be sickening
To those who could only dream of being so happy
The best part is this is just the beginning
[Main Chorus, then]
It’s not my place to turn away from such a warm embrace
So together let us run this race
To what lies before us down this road
Don’t be sad when suddenly the sky turns gray
Know the sun will come back out again one day
And until then you can always find your hope
In the promise of a bright rainbow
I am amazed by how far we’ve come these past few years
It’s by God’s grace that we’re where we are today
As one we face what life brings us, whether joy or tears
And lately the case is the former, I must say
We have a wonderful, grand adventure
Ahead so let us bask in its glory
And when we look back from the future remember
It’s all because we’re part of His story
[Main Chorus, then:]
I love our son, whose little life has only just begun
And we’re going to have so much fun
On our new adventure down this road
Let us find our hope in His bright rainbows
Creation of Rachel Wood, 2017