Introduction to Quiet Observation
Welcome to Quiet Observation, TheLoneMingler’s personal blog! My real name is Rachel Wood, but I like to use the screen name TheLoneMingler, which is a description of my social interaction: I enjoy friend gatherings, but I am a fairly independent type who tends to be a bit of a loner.
The purpose of this blog is to share my perspective on every aspect of life, from long-term ambitions, the pursuit of love and lifelong struggles to the sometimes tedious daily routines, exploration and enjoyment of new hobbies and trivial (but in my opinion noteworthy) information.
I don’t expect to have a large readership or even more than 5-10 close family members and friends who read my posts on a regular basis, but I hope that all who visit the site feel that it was worthwhile, if only to consider a different perspective on life. Please send me a message via the Contact page if there is any specific topic you would like me to address in a future post. Thank you very much for visiting and happy reading and pondering!